Undergrad Seminar

OneHealth Undergraduate Seminar

For those students who want to work internationally in a developing context, this class is for you.

This is the first VetMed interdisciplinary class offered to upper division undergraduates from ANY UC Davis campus department.

Learn about the interfaces between emerging diseases, toxicology, water pollution, climate change, engineering, sociology, ecology & public health

No pre-requisites required

Course Topics

Course Summary:
One Health is a synergistic trans-disciplinary approach to solve health problems in animals, humans, and the environment through communication and collaboration among stakeholders and multidisciplinary experts. Upper division undergraduate students motivated by interests in health and its relationship to humans, animals, ecology, the environment, or sociology from diverse majors will integrate the basic principles from their respective disciplines with the concepts from this course and amass a ‘toolbox’ to solve global health problems using innovative approaches. This hybrid course introduces undergraduate students to the fundamental principles, challenges, and tools in One Health with lectures from field experts, case studies, and group projects. The speakers and coursework will highlight how global health challenges can be addressed using transdisciplinary One Health approaches. The students will be at the helm of the discussions and apply critical thinking to identify One Health solutions for global health problems. Students will work through real-life case scenarios in the ivimeds® on-line system to solidify key course concepts. Oral communication and scientific literacy skills will be emphasized.

For more information go to the i-One Health website or contact: Dr. Sophia Papageorgiou spapageorgiou@ucdavis.edu