Haiti Fourth Year Rotation

Haiti Rotation during Fourth Year

The inaugural fourth-year elective rotation, Healthcare in Haiti, occurred in the spring of 2012.  It is offered under the auspices of the University of California Haiti Initiative as an MDS course for formal academic credit.  The elective is based at the University Hospital of the State University of Haiti in Port-au-Prince (Hôpital de l’Université d’État d’Haïti, HUEH).  The primary clinical service is Pediatrics, with additional responsibilities on the ObGyn service.  Each UC student is paired with an HUEH intern.  This is a fantastic opportunity to provide desperately needed care to people still suffering from the effects of the January, 2011 earthquake, and to learn about both common disorders and those problems unique to a tropical setting, all in a resource-poor environment.  Dr. Douglas Gross is the IOR. Haitian faculty will provide the clinical care, instruction, supervision and evaluation.  If you have any interest in this elective, please contact to Dr. Gross at dsgross@ucdavis.edu .